What's Included In A Listing Agreement?
You're ready to sell your house. You've made the necessary repairs before selling your home , perfected your staging techniques, and are ready to start showing your house off to anyone interested in buying a house in Colorado Springs . What's next? Next you have to choose which Colorado Springs real estate agent you want to represent you and sign a listing agreement with him or her. There are several different types of listing agreements you can choose from, each with its own unique specifications. Once you choose which type of agreement you want to use, you have to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions in order to make sure that you fully understand what you are signing. Exclusive Right-To-Sell listings are the most common, so for the purposes of this article, we are going to look specifically these types of agreements and the types of specifications included in these contracts. What Is Included In A Listing Contract? Here is a broad overview of...