It's Simple: Now is the Time to Buy a Home
“The millionaire says to a thousand people, ‘I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.’ Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn’t that incredible? Why wouldn’t everyone get the book? A mystery of life.” – Jim Rohn
Mr. Rohn explains that if we want to make the right financial decisions in our lives, we should depend on the same sources the wealthy read. This past month four different iconic financial resources said the same thing:
Here are all four resources.
Forbes Magazine: The Next Mortgage Crisis
Wall Street Journal: It’s Time to Buy That House Now Might Be the Best Time Ever to Buy a Home
JP Morgan Market Insights: Housing: A Time To Buy
Enjoy reading them!!
If you are considering Relocating to Colorado Springs, Purchasing a Home for Sale in Colorado Springs, considering Selling a Home in Colorado Springs, or want more information on the Colorado Springs Real Estate Market, Contact your Colorado Springs Real Estate Expert, Mike MacGuire Today! Click Here to Check out my informational video if you are considering Selling a Home in Colorado Springs. Click Here to Check out my informational video if you are considering Purchasing a Home for Sale in Colorado Springs.