If You've Never Sold a Home Before, Here's What You Need To Know

Selling your first home can feel like your first day going to high school. It's uncertain, a little scary, and there's so much information to remember that you think your mind might explode. It doesn't have to be complicated, though, and when you use an experienced Colorado Springs real estate agent, you can relax and enjoy the journey. When you sell your home with me, I bring my years of experience and my excellent success rate to the table to help you sell your home in a timely manner, while meeting the expectations you started with. Here are a few things to remember as you branch out into the world of selling your home.

How to Get the HIGHEST and BEST Price for Your Home

My team and I have established a few key things that need to be done in order to sell a home successfully. These three points have become a standard, and will be a great way to start selling a home in Colorado Springs.

While it would be nice if you could just put your home on the market, and it would magically sell, that's not realistic in this market. A home needs to be marketed just like a product or business if you want to see results. My team and I have created a specialized plan that will get your home out on all of the important websites and in front of the best clients. In today's Colorado Springs Real Estate market only 53% of real estate listings sell during their listing period. Over the last 10 years, 99% of our listings sold in their listing period. This is partially attributed to our excellent marketing.

The presentation of your home is key to making sure that your potential buyers will react to your home the way you want. If you want to attract a specific buyer, you need to stage your home in a way that will appeal to that buyer. Staging your home can have huge advantages to the length of time that it's on the market. Many homes will sit on the market for longer than necessary because they aren't being staged in the appropriate way, if at all.

By hiring an experienced Colorado Springs real estate agent, you are giving yourself a boost in the selling market. We can use our experience to help sell your home, quickly and efficiently. The MacGuire Team exceeds your expectations and outperforms our competition by offering an array of services to ensure you get the BEST possible price for your home in the shortest amount of time.

Value Added Services

To help make your selling experience even easier, we provide Value Added Services. You can choose any two up to $350.00. These services will assist you in preparing your home to go on the market, which will help you sell faster in the end.

We will pay for your home to be professionally cleaned prior to going on the market, or upon vacancy. Your choice.

We will pay for two hours of Handyman Service, helpful after the home inspection!

We will pay for a Staging Consultation to help stage your home!

We will pay for two months of storage, up to $75 per month.

Sell a Colorado Springs Home

When you want to get a surgery, you go to the surgeon. When you need your plumbing done one your home, you call a plumber. It goes without saying that when you want to sell your home, you call the best real estate company in Colorado Springs. The Mike MacGuire team is ready to help you through the process of selling your home, and we look forward to working with you!

Mike MacGuire
Colorado Springs Real Estate Agent

The MacGuire Team
6760 Corporate Dr
Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

719-536-4324 or 719-660-6793



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