Improving Your Curb Appeal in 7 Easy steps

Have you ever been out to a house showing, and the first thing you notice is how beautiful the landscape is? You can immediately imagine yourself cutting the grass on the weekends, sitting out enjoying a beautiful day on the patio or porch, and you begin to create a life for yourself just off this one very important detail. On the flipside, if you've seen any homes where the landscaping has been neglected, I'm sure one of the things that came to mind was all of the effort and finances that would be poured into bringing the landscaping up to par. This is a great way to see how important the landscaping is when you are selling your home. 

As the best real estate agent in Colorado Springs, my goal is to sell your home quickly and for the most we can possibly get out of it. Part of what makes my strategy possible is the 25 years of real estate experience I possess, and how I can transfer that knowledge to you and your listing. Here are a few easy things you can do to instantly improve the curb appeal of your home.

Paint the Porch
This can be a relatively easy and cost effective upgrade your home, and it can yeild beneficial results. Whether you have a concrete or wooden porch, either one can be improved with a fresh coat of paint to brighten it up. You can choose a bright color that makes it look clean, or choose a darker color like red or brown to hide dirt.

Clean Gutters
Have you ever seen those gutters with small trees growing inside of them? This doesn't make a good first impression on a potential buyer. Cleaning out your gutters can be a quick and easy fix, and all you really need is a sturdy ladder and some gloves.

Spread Mulch
You dont' have to invest in brand new plants to make your garden area look fresh and full of life. A new layer of mulch can make a world of difference in the appearance of your garden areas.

Trim Bushes
If your home has bushes that need trimmed, it's a good idea to keep up on the routine trimming. This will keep your houselooking new and clean. If they aren't trimmed, and extra branches are growing out of shape, your potential buyers are sure to notice, and associate your home with "more work."

Powerwash and Edge Sidewalks
After winter and spring a new layer of dirt and pollen will spread itself across your porches and sidewalks. You can rent a powerwasher, or hire someone to come in and clean that layer of dirt off. Edging the sidewalks and cleaning out the cracks can also be a great way to disguise any unsightly or permanent marks and damages to your sidewalk.

Mow the Grass
No matter whether your home is lived in or vacant, you need to stay on top of the mowing so that as your guests are inspecting the landscape they aren't walking through knee-high grass. If you aren't living in the home that's for sale, and you aren't close enough to mow it, you can hire a landscaping company to come in a take care of it for you.

Clean Porch Light Fixtures
This is a small detail, and often gets passed by on the seller's side, but doesn't generally go unnoticed by the buyer. If your light fixtures in your landscape or on your porch are filled with bugs, take the globes off and rinse them out. 

A few little changes can go a long way in improving the look of your home. Don't think that just because youclenaed the inside that it's all good to go. The landscape is going to be the first and last impression of your home that a buyer will get, so make sure it's a good one. If you are selling your home by owner, and not seeing the results you were anticipating, visit my website to see how I can help you sell Colorado Springs Real Estate.

Mike MacGuire
Colorado Springs Real Estate Agent

The MacGuire Team
6760 Corporate Dr
Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

719-536-4324 or 719-660-6793


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